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9 June 2025 - 13 June 2025
Warszawa, Poland
AI ABEL 2025 AI Applications in Business and Everyday Life (Virtual edition)
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Open until 13 June 2025

Prof. UW, Managing Director of DELab UW Katarzyna Śledziewska,
Prof. UW, 
Scientific Director of DELab UW Renata Włoch

INcreasing the uptake of AI in Retail

An innovative project aimed at bridging the AI skills gap among micro, small, and medium-sized retailers across Europe.

The INAIR project stands as a crucial step towards equipping the European retail sector with the necessary AI skills, fostering sustainable business practices, and enhancing overall competitiveness in the digital age. This aligns with the European Digital Decade's target of having over 75% of European companies adopt AI technologies by 2030.

The INAIR ecosystem

Owners and employees of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
in Retail in Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Poland and Romania.

Relevant industry experts
(e.g., specialized retail consultants and technology experts, retail business owners and academics, trade unions, chambers of commerce)

Relevant education and training providers
(Initial and Continuing VET and Higher Education) and research community.

Representatives of other relevant national and EU-funded projects and initiatives , incl. the Bridges 5.0 and AI4Europe consortia, and members of the Pact for Skills’ Large-scale Partnerships in Digital and Retail.

Policymakers at the EU level
(e.g., DG CONNECT, DG EMPL, DG EAC and DG GROW) and at the national level (e.g., ministries of Economics, Education, Employment).


Research on multi-level AI skills
needs and gaps for MSMEs in Retail, in relation to transversal, information, digital and technical skills need for retailers to adopt AI.

AI Core Curriculum
, covering the fundamentals of AI and its applications for greening retailers and optimizing resources and processes.

AI Skills Assessment Tool
to assess knowledge and skills linked to the domain defined in the needs analysis.

A Collection of integrable OERs (e.g., learning modules, tools, simulations and games).

An E-Learning Environment
delivered as learning paths tailored around the results of the AI Skills Assessment.

A Practical Guide for Facilitators
as a step-by-step guide for integrating the project AI skills development solutions into VET.

Visit us! 

INAIR website: https://www.ai4retail.eu/en/

Warszawa, Poland
Organised by
Türkiye 14
Spain 1
Poland 1
Total 16
Company 12
University 2
Other 2
Total 16